Australian Building Codes Update – August 2024

Improving Buildings for Tough Weather

We are pleased to share significant developments from the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB), which has announced plans to integrate climate resilience into the Australian Building Codes from 2025. This means our homes and buildings will be better at staying safe during storms, floods, and other natural disasters.

Key Points:

  • Why It Matters: The government wants buildings to protect people better during disasters like floods and storms. Stronger buildings mean fewer people have to leave their homes when bad weather hits.
  • Working Together: The ABCB will work with builders, the government, and communities to make sure these changes are useful and don’t cost too much.

Other Changes:

  • Carbon Footprint: They also want buildings to use less energy and produce less pollution. They’re asking commercial buildings to start reporting how much pollution they create when they’re built.
  • Building Safety: The government might make a plan to check that all building materials are safe and work well. This could save a lot of money and make sure buildings are safe for everyone.

What People Think:

  • Insurance Help: Insurance companies are happy about these changes because they might lower costs for people who have to rebuild after a disaster.
  • Government Support: The government says these changes are part of a bigger plan to get ready for more bad weather caused by climate change.


These changes are meant to make our homes and buildings safer and cheaper to run. They also want buildings to be better for the environment. This will help everyone in Australia, now and in the future.

Stay tuned for more updates as we keep making buildings safer and stronger.


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